Unique Learning Experience
Teaching / Distance Learning

At Hacettepe University, education is carried out at 3 different levels (associate, undergraduate, postgraduate), in 500 different programs, with more than 8200 courses opened each semester and with more than 53000 students enrolled in these courses. Our university offers courses in many different fields such as engineering, health sciences, social sciences, conservatory, sports sciences, fine arts, science and are carried out by different methods. Due to this large non-homogeneous educational structure, our university uses different approaches and tools in distance learning processes.

Related Links

Principles of the courses carried out by remote access method within Hacettepe University.
Support unit for all courses offered by our university through open and distance education systems.
Remote Programs
Graduate programs carried out remotely in our university.
Associate and undergraduate degree courses conducted by remote access are available in our virtual classrooms at evdekal.hacetttepe.edu.tr
Graduate courses conducted by remote access are available in our virtual classrooms at lisansustu.hacetttepe.edu.tr
Preparatory class courses conducted by remote access are available in our virtual classrooms at ydyohazirlik.hacetttepe.edu.tr