The University of Firsts and Achievements
About / Mission and Vision


The mission of Hacettepe University, as a research-oriented university, is to educate highly qualified, open to change and development, questioning individuals in the fields of science, technology and art with its education in the light of universal values; to provide the knowledge, services and technology it produces for the benefit of the community.


The vision of Hacettepe University is to be one of the leading research universities that direct the development of its country by prioritizing social problems, and who are proud to be a member.

Core Values

Merit: Since the establishment of our university, it has been essential to provide opportunities for the employees of the institution according to their work experience in both academic and administrative assignments.

Transparency: Performing all administrative activities open to the observation of the institution staff and accountability; internal communication and communication channels are constantly  clear; It is essential to maintain a sense of trust between individuals and units.

Participation: Our university attaches great importance to the participation of its members in the management processes. It is essential to ensure the contribution of our members in the management process within the framework of our mutual ideals of individual differences and savings.

Aesthetic Sensitivity and Respect for the Environment our common value is organizing the physical spaces (and art) in which we create and offer our products and services with aesthetic sensitivity and  striving for the protection of the environment entrusted to us by future generations.

Community Orientation: Our university carries out all its activities, taking into account the benefit of society, its products, and services. “Observing the public interest” in everything it does is a common value that our university can never give up.

Seeking Perfection: Our university, with all its staff, acts with the idea of continuously improving that its products and services with the understanding of "To the Leading Edge… Toward Being the Best…". In this context, being open to change in the way of “seeking excellence” has been a shared value by our university members.

Being a Pioneer: Being a pioneer in the society with the education and services we offer as a university and directing the future with its research outputs is a value that should not be lost.

Respectful to Differences: As a university, respect for different thoughts, cultures, and beliefs is one of our values.

Freedom of Expression: Freedom of expression, a right declared by the United Nations in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and accepted by many countries, is one of the values of our university as long as it does not involve violence.