World-Class Research University
Research / Research Management

At Hacettepe University, research has a broad spectrum and multidisciplinary structure covering the fields of medicine-health, science-engineering, and social-humanities, as well as fine arts, music, and performing arts.

Research is managed through a circular process with planning, policy development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation components under the responsibility of a Vice-Rector. Developing research policies, determining research objectives and priorities, evaluating cooperation opportunities, diversifying project supports, planning financial resources, and managing university rankings are among the important objectives of this process.

The aim of the projects supported by the Hacettepe University Scientific Research Projects (BAP) Coordination Unit is to strengthen the university's research university identity and contribute to its international visibility by supporting competitive research for academic development in basic and applied fields in our University. The distribution of support to cover all academic disciplines from the fields of medical-health sciences, science-engineering sciences, social humanities, and the arts represented in our University is adopted as a basic principle.

BAP Coordination Unit supports comprehensive research projects with the unique value of Hacettepe University researchers, which include innovative approaches and have the potential to contribute to the scientific, technological, economic, social, and cultural development of our country with its results. Researchers involved in supported projects are expected to produce highly impacted outputs (research articles, patents).

Support is provided within the scope of the call to priority areas determined in line with the research policies of the university and our country. Among the supports provided, multidisciplinary research projects aimed at developing university-industry, university-public and university-university cooperation at national and international level have a special place. Hacettepe University, a research-oriented university, pays special attention to such research projects, especially aimed at strengthening its global outlook.

The project supports provided institutionally by the BAP Coordination Unit are listed below;

  • Comprehensive Research Projects
  • Priority Area Research Projects
  • Called Projects
  • Participating Research Projects
  • Quick Support Projects
  • Graduate Thesis Projects
  • Career Projects
  • International Research Cooperation Projects

Project proposals submitted to the BAP Coordination Unit are evaluated by the BAP Commission.

Research projects are subjected to ethical evaluation processes if necessary according to their content. Research ethics committees and ethics commission operating for this purpose are listed below;

Project Support Office operates to facilitate the access of our university researchers to national and international funds. The operations of the projects supported by national and international organizations are carried out by the Office of Externally Supported Projects within the BAP Coordination Unit.

Hacettepe University Advanced Technologies Application and Research Center provides testing and measurement services needed in research processes with its advanced technological infrastructure.

Hacettepe University has professional mechanisms to transfer the knowledge it has acquired through scientific and technological research projects to the relevant sectors. In 2008, Hacettepe Technopark Technology Transfer Center (HT-TTM) was established as a sub-unit of Hacettepe Technopark.

The Research Performance Evaluation Office operates to monitor and evaluate the performance of institutionally supported research projects and externally funded research projects carried out within our university and university-industry cooperation projects carried out to meet sectoral demands.

Hacettepe University attaches special importance to the monitoring and development of performance indicators in the promotion of its place in the ranking of world universities. International visibility and rating processes are managed by the Internationalization and Ranking unit within the General Coordinatorship of External Affairs.