Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance / Mission and Vision

Quality activities at Hacettepe University are managed through an integrated quality assurance management model. The components of the management system consist of strategic management, process management, performance management, document management, risk management and feedback (information request, request, suggestion, complaint, satisfaction) system.
Organizational Structure of Hacettepe University Integrated Quality Assurance Management Model

The e-mail address onerikalite@hacettepe.edu.tr is used to manage feedback on the quality assurance system studies carried out at our university.
1.1.1 Hacettepe University Quality Commission (HÜKAK)
Quality Commission; within the framework of the procedures and principles determined by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC), it is the commission responsible for evaluating the services provided, establishing the internal and external quality assurance system, determining institution-specific performance indicators or key performance indicators, submitting the studies within this scope to the Senate for approval and sharing them with the public in line with the strategic plan and goals of the University. It is the highest and authorized board within the university regarding the quality assurance system (http://www.kalitekomisyonu.hacettepe.edu.tr/kalitekomisyonuye_210122.shtml).
The Quality Commission is chaired by the Rector and consists of the vice rector responsible for quality, coordinator, assisstants to coordinators, general secretary, head of strategy development department, academic staff selected from faculties, institutes, colleges, vocational schools and research centers across the university, and student representatives. As of January 2022, the number of Quality Commission members of our university is 36
(http://www.kalitekomisyonu.hacettepe.edu.tr/kalitekomisyonuye_210122.shtml ).
The formation, working procedures and principles of the Quality Commission are defined in section 3 of the "Directive on the Establishment, Duties and Working Procedures and Principles of Hacettepe University Quality Assurance System and Quality Commission" dated 23.09.2021 and numbered 2021-329.
Click here for the directive:
(http://www.kalitekomisyonu.hacettepe.edu.tr/Kalite_Komisyonu_Yonerge_23092021.pdf )
1.1.2. Quality Management Office (KAYO)
The Quality Management Office, is a unit established to carry out administrative and technical support services for quality assurance activities and to support HÜKAK, and is staffed by academic, administrative, and technical personnel with relevant competencies. Four units, namely Quality Management Design and Organization Unit, Data and Document Management Unit, Monitoring and Reporting Unit and Corporate Communication Unit, operate in KAYO. New units can be established, existing units can be merged or closed with the decision of the University Executive Board in accordance with the needs. The formation, working procedures and principles of KAYO are defined in section 6 of the "Directive on the Establishment, Duties and Working Procedures and Principles of Hacettepe University Quality Assurance System and Quality Commission" dated 23.09.2021 and numbered 2021-329.
Click here for the directive:
(http://www.kalitekomisyonu.hacettepe.edu.tr/Kalite_Komisyonu_Yonerge_23092021.pdf )
1.1.3. Unit Quality Commission (BİKAK)
BİKAK is structured as Academic Unit Quality Commission (A-BİKAK) in academic units and Administrative Unit Quality Commission (İ-BİKAK) in administrative units in order to evaluate, monitor, develop and internalize the quality assurance system in line with the strategic plans and goals of the units.
The working procedures and principles of A-BİKAK and İ-BİKAK are defined in section 4 of the "Directive on the Establishment, Duties and Working Procedures and Principles of Hacettepe University Quality Assurance System and Quality Commission" dated 23.09.2021 and numbered 2021-329.
Click here for the directive:
(http://www.kalitekomisyonu.hacettepe.edu.tr/Kalite_Komisyonu_Yonerge_23092021.pdf )
1.1.4. Student Quality Ambassadors
Within the scope of ensuring student participation in quality assurance processes at Hacettepe University and disseminating the quality culture, they are student representatives who are eligible to be included in quality studies on a voluntary basis. They are involved in the studies in coordination with the "Quality Research Society" and "Hacettepe University Student Representatives Council-ÖTK" established by the students at the university.
1.1.5. Quality Research Community
Hacettepe University Quality Research Community (HÜKAT) is a student organization that provides information and development activities to enable students to contribute directly to quality management systems, which is the primary priority of quality processes. Hacettepe University Quality Research Community continues to work hand in hand with THEQC, HÜKAK and European Students' Union (ESU).
1.1.6. Hacettepe University Research and Application Centers Coordination Board (HÜYGAM)
It is the board that participates in the quality assurance studies of research and development processes on behalf of the University's Application and Research Centers, and is responsible for the coordination of the studies, evaluation of the results and taking the necessary measures.
1.1.7. Strategic Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Board
Under the chairmanship of the Rector, it is the board that evaluates the realizations in the plan and determines the measures to be taken after the strategic plan of the University is published and put into practice (http://sgdb.hacettepe.edu.tr/spizkurul.shtml , http://sgdb.hacettepe.edu.tr/).
1.1.8. Coordination Board
It is the upper board that monitors and evaluates the results of strategic management, process management, performance management, document management, risk management and feedback (information request, request, suggestion, complaint, satisfaction) management with a holistic approach within the scope of integrated quality assurance system management and determines the measures to be taken. The Coordination Board is chaired by the Rector and consists of the Vice Rectors, Quality Commission Coordinator, Secretary General, and the Head of Strategy Development Department.
1.1.9. Education Program Quality Assessment Teams  (E-KDET)
These teams are formed for the evaluation of associate, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral education programs. The team prepares a report on the areas of improvement and areas open to improvement for the relevant education program, the measures to be taken, and the role of program managers and senior management in implementing the measures to be taken.
The working procedures and principles of E-KDET are defined in section 5 of the "Directive on the Establishment, Duties and Working Procedures and Principles of Hacettepe University Quality Assurance System and Quality Commission" dated 23.09.2021 and numbered 2021-329.
Click here for the directive:
(http://www.kalitekomisyonu.hacettepe.edu.tr/Kalite_Komisyonu_Yonerge_23092021.pdf )
1.1.10. Advisory Board
In order to increase the quality of Hacettepe University's leadership, management and quality, education-training, research-development and social contribution activities and to contribute to the development of our University, the Advisory Boards of our University have been established to ensure cooperation with stakeholders and the sustainability of this cooperation. In this context, the participation of stakeholders in the internal quality assurance system is ensured.