Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance / Mission and Vision

This guideline has been created in order to enlighten every partner about The Quality Assurance System developed by Hacettepe University, and also, about the method and tools used in the process.

Higher education institutions must have the management skills to respond to the everchanging partner expectations and needs. With this view, the quality assurance system created in that instruction must include the defined processes for establishing mutual trust between all partners and the institution, and also the holistic approaches observing every process and thus securing viable outcome. Quality assurance on its own is not enough for perfection. The adoption of the system by every partner and its extensive application is paramount.

With this view, this guideline, including main topics of

  1. Mission, vision and quality policies
  2. Quality assurance system and its sustainability
  3. Proliferation and adoption of quality culture

is created with the intention of informing every partner about The Quality Assurance System developed by Hacettepe University, and also, about the method and tools used in the process.

Click for Hacettepe University Integrated Quality Assurance System Guide